GELIOS is an innovative native software. It allows to control critical ship data andprovide its safety during the sail and in the port.
On-board software GELIOS is a loading tool for captains and ship owners. It helps to calculate the ship stability and strength, also to perform its precise draft survey and sounding. All necessary data on cargo spaces, ship tanks and compartments is loaded into the program.
Web-client GELIOS allows to control the loading of a ship online, insert loading recommendations and look through the ship documentation (brochures and drawings), which is automatically updated.
Control the values of bending moments and shear forces. This will help to avoid deformation and cracks in the hull.
Predict stability for "departure" and "arrival", taking into account changes in ballast and stores, which will avoid overkeelling of the vessel.
Time saving. In contrast to manual calculation methods, GELIOS allows to save hours, which are needed for a crew to work and rest to prevent possible emergencies.
Control of the amount of cargo, fuel and ballast.
Control over cargo, fuel and ballast is control over your time and money.
Statistics of operations.
Statistics in GELIOS is not just information, but also an important tool that allows creating a freight plan.
Minimization of risks. The price of human errors is high, when working at complex technological facilities. The use of automated programs allows avoiding them.
CO2 emissions monitoring. In the light of tougher environmental requirements, ships over 5000 GT must have the CO2 emissions monitoring plan (EU MRV), which is mandatory for all ships involved in commercial operations and calling at European ports.
Information on one platform. Using different platforms often does not facilitate, but complicates life. It is necessary to remember different logins and passwords in order to secure your information. Also, the likelihood of errors when converting different formats increases. Using one platform allows you to abandon this.